Plan A / Atlanta Zoning 2.0 

Feeling a bit confused or overwhelmed by the City’s update to the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) and ATL Zoning 2.0?  The APCA has put together some frequently asked questions to help you navigate.

As an Ansley Park resident, why should I be involved or concerned?

Your input can help shape what Ansley Park looks like in the future (e.g. density, use of property, etc.).

What is the difference between Plan A and ATL Zoning 2.0?

Plan A, Atlanta’s Comprehensive Development Plan, will create policy to guide future development.  Zoning 2.0 will create Atlanta’s zoning ordinance, the laws that implement these policies.

While the city is eliciting input for both processes in tandem, Plan A will be completed first and will advise Zoning 2.0.

APCA Comments to Zoning 2.0 Form & Frontage and USE - Download and Edit

Feel free to download and edit this document to reflect your own views.  Email to

ATL Zoning 2.0 - Comparison Documents

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